
A Woman Entrepreneur Taking A Step In Management At Young Ages

Beneficiary : Nagehan Cevizcioğlu

My name is Nagehan Cevizcioğlu, I am 19 years old. I am living with my family in a village of Tosya District in Kastamonu. When I turned 19, I bought 19 cattle and applied for IPARD grant supports. I always wanted to deal with animal breeding and did not imagine anything than being an animal breeder. As I will deal with my enterprise by myself, I started with 19 cattle however I am planning to increase the number of animals after I became more professional. I received negative reflections from the people around me when I decided to build my enterprise, however my family always stood behind me so that I did not give up. I would like to thank Provincial Coordination Unit staff of ARDSI as they supported me at each step. I finally set up my enterprise and produce 120 liters of milk daily and sell it to a milk processing enterprise nearby. I nurse the animals studiously and never leave them. I also applied to Provincial Directorate of MoFAL to receive Disease Free Certificate. After I receive my certificate I will change my marketing method. I would like to benefit from IPARD funds to realize my future plans.

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Republic of Türkiye Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry
General Directorate of Agricultural Reform
Department of Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment
Eskişehir Road 9. Km, ANKARA/TÜRKİYE
Website: ipard.tarim.gov.tr