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IPARD III Programme publicity meeting was held in Isparta and Denizli provinces within the scope of "Technical Assistance Project for IPARD III Publicity and Information Activities" carried out by the General Directorate of Agricultural Reform, IPARD Managing Authority.
In the meeting, a comprehensive information presentation was made by the Managing Authority experts for the sectors supported under the IPARD III Programme (2021-2027). With the implementation of the Programme, it is aimed to increase the number of applications, especially by collective structures and potential beneficiaries, to measures within the scope of the IPARD Programme, and to use the funds more effectively. In addition, it is aimed that the promotion of the IPARD III Programme will reach a wide audience by informing the stakeholders in the public institutions and organizations participating in the meetings. Questions and issues related to cold storages in the processing and marketing of fruits and vegetables, measures for rural tourism and recreational activities, types of renewable energy facilities and the lower and upper limits of the sectors supported under the IPARD III Programme were brought up by the participants in the meetings. Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry and ARDSI Provincial Coordination Unit made presentations to the participants within the scope of the investments, activities and studies realized in their provinces within the scope of the IPARD Programme and Rural Development Programs. In addition, in the meetings, IPARD beneficiaries made their presentations describing their experiences during the project process.
The meeting was attended by the Union of Chambers of Agriculture of Türkiye, Agricultural Development Cooperatives, Agricultural Producer Unions, Farmers, investors, LEADER - Local Action Groups, Development Agencies, Municipalities, Universities, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Provincial and District Agriculture and Forestry Directorate Staff, ARDSI Provincial Coordination Unit experts and representatives of local media organizations.

Republic of Türkiye Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry
General Directorate of Agricultural Reform
Department of Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment
Eskişehir Road 9. Km, ANKARA/TÜRKİYE
Website: ipard.tarim.gov.tr