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IPARD III Programme publicity meeting was organized in Kars as part of the "Technical Assistance Project for IPARD III Promotion and Information Activities" carried out by the General Directorate of Agricultural Reform, the IPARD Managing Authority.
During the meeting, a comprehensive presentation was delivered by the Managing Authority staff regarding the sectors supported under the IPARD III Programme (2021-2027). In the presentation, detailed information was provided to the participants related to Investments in the Physical Assets of Agricultural Holdings, Investments in the Processing and Marketing of Agricultural and Fishery Products, Agri-Environment – Climate and Organic Farming, Implementation of Local Development Strategies - LEADER Approach, Investments in Rural Public Infrastructure, and Farm Diversification and Business Development measures.
The duties and responsibilities regarding the preparation, monitoring, evaluation, reporting, modification, publicity and visibility activities of the IPARD III Programme, as well as the works and activities carried out in this context, were explained by the IPARD Managing Authority. In addition, questions from the participants about the sectors supported under the IPARD III programme, grant ratios, eligible expenditure items, as well as how producer organizations can apply and benefit from the grants, were answered and suggestions were discussed.
Through the presentations delivered by the Provincial Directorates of Agriculture and Forestry and the Provincial Coordination Unit of ARDSI, the participants were informed on the investments, activities and works realized in Kars within the scope of the IPARD Programme. An IPARD beneficiary made a presentation describing their experiences throughout the project process. Furthermore, IPARD good practice exemplary projects video prepared by the Managing Authority, and Kars agricultural sector promotional video of the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry were screened. Representatives of NGOs, farmers, investors, development agencies, universities, public institutions and organizations and local media outlets attended the meeting.

Republic of Türkiye Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry
General Directorate of Agricultural Reform
Department of Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment
Eskişehir Road 9. Km, ANKARA/TÜRKİYE