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Before the IPARD III Programme publicity meeting to be held in Ağrı on October 5, 2023, representatives of the General Directorate of Agricultural Reform, IPARD Managing Authority, visited ARDSI Ağrı Provincial Coordination Unit and Ağrı Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry in the scope of the "Technical Assistance Project for IPARD III Promotion and Information Activities". Stating that the people of Ağrı showed great interest in the supports, the institution officials informed the representatives of the IPARD Managing Authority about the areas where investment is needed. During this meeting, information was exchanged about the organization of the IPARD III Programme, and it was underlined that their support was expected in reflecting Ağrı's agricultural capacity into the IPARD III Programme.
Representatives of the General Directorate of Agricultural Reform, IPARD Managing Authority, visited Cengiz BAYRAM's enterprise, which has implemented a 68-Head Cattle Fattening Farm project in Ağrı under the IPARD II Programme ‘Investments in the Physical Assets of Agricultural Holdings- Red Meat Producing Agricultural Holdings’ measure. During the visit, Mr. Bayram talked about his farm and the application process for the IPARD Programme. He stated that he was actually working in the field of software development, however he wanted to provide social contribution by investing in his hometown, Ağrı, and now he is steered into the field of agriculture and livestock production. Bayram mentioned that his dream is to establish an agriculture and livestock sector that is integrated with software, and added that there is too much foreign dependency on automation in agriculture and livestock production, and that he aims to reduce our dependency by integrating his own software into the sector. ‘I am working on vermicompost production. I want to produce my own feed for my farm. I plan to expand my business in the future and build a processing facility and a slaughterhouse. For this purpose, I would like to benefit from the IPARD III Programme again,’ he said.
Expressing that he was pleased to cross paths with the IPARD Programme, Bayram thanked the European Union and our Institutions providing the IPARD support.

Republic of Türkiye Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry
General Directorate of Agricultural Reform
Department of Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment
Eskişehir Road 9. Km, ANKARA/TÜRKİYE
Website: ipard.tarim.gov.tr