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As part of the “Technical Assistance for IPARD III Promotion and Information Activities Project,” an IPARD III Programme promotional meeting took place on October 18, 2023, at Grand Simay Hotel in Erzincan. The meeting, attended by representatives of producer associations, investors, consultant companies, non-governmental organizations, and local media, commenced with opening speeches from ARDSI Provincial Coordinator Metin BEKTAŞ, Deputy Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Saadettin TAŞKESEN, and Deputy Governor Yusuf İZCİ.... The participants were introduced to various investments supported under the IPARD Programme through the promotional video showcasing IPARD Good Practice Examples. Dr. Yeşim KANTAŞ ERDOĞAN, Representative of IPARD Managing Authority, delivered a presentation on the IPARD III Programme. The presentation provided a detailed explanation of the preparation process of the IPARD III Programme, the grant rates of the included measures, and the distinctions from the IPARD II Programme. ARDSI Erzincan Provincial Coordinator Metin BEKTAŞ shared information about the investments supported under the IPARD Programme in Erzincan province. Engineer Murat KARAN from Erzincan Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry provided information about the activities of the Provincial Directorate and delivered a presentation on the supports and geographical indication studies. ... Yaşar Faruk GÜNAY, President of Erzincan Cattle Breeders’ Union, which received two project supports from the “Investments in Physical Assets Concerning Processing and Marketing of Agricultural and Fishery Products” measure in the IPARD I and IPARD II Programme periods, provided information about the activities of the association and the projects supported under the IPARD Programme. He also highlighted the advantage of VAT exemption, explaining the milk collection vehicles, tools, and equipment used in the milk analysis laboratory purchased with the support of the IPARD Programme. ... The meeting, conducted successfully in an interactive manner, concluded with a general evaluation and exchange of good wishes.

Republic of Türkiye Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry
General Directorate of Agricultural Reform
Department of Managing Authority for EU Structural Adjustment
Eskişehir Road 9. Km, ANKARA/TÜRKİYE
Website: ipard.tarim.gov.tr